Good morning Sir & Madam
would like to say thank you for coming in my presentation. It’s great to see
you all today. My name is Dewy Sartieka. I graduated from International
Relation Program, Faculty of Politic
and Social Science, Andalas University
on 1 June, 2013.
I have joined this company as an OJT
Banking for reguler on November 2013 and became an agent on February 2014. And
on September 2014 I was moved in Priority Banking and became an agent on
Desember 2014. As a Phone Bangking Officer Priority my job can be called as
multitasking skill because with this role I must master more than one skill
such as banking skill, credit card skill, and language skill. But right
know I will emphasize my job as an English
agent here. Become an English agent is something new for me because with this role I must
handle foreign people with using English language. Make them understand about
our information that they needed. Of course when I handle foreign customers for
the first time I made mistakes, but
still I want to make them understand
from what I mean and I must understand what they were talking about so that I
can give the appropiate solutions for their problems. This is become a
challenge for me, because I know foreign people are from different country with
their dialect language and it is not
easy to understand especially when you handle a foreigner from India, Japan or
China. Each of them has a uniq dialect.
So that, to overcome this challenge
I train my self using English language both in active or passive into some
exercises. I was very helpful when I was joined the ILP course and this course give a
postive impact to make my English better. Beside that, I train my self to
discuss with friends, listening and watch foreign movie with no translation or
English subtittle. And also when I have some cases at office although in
Bahasa, I try to translate it into English language and make a report on my
note book. Right know, when I handle foreign people again, it will not make me
afraid anymore. I know the trick how to handle them. And one of them point is
slowly but sure not to be hurry. Make a clear
intonation when make a confirmation
eventhough you must give a space
word by word, because you are the master ceremony on the speaking and you must
understand what their problems so that you can
give them appropiate solutions.
So, why me ? Why I must join and be
choosen in this ICCA (International Contact Centre Association) ? Because I ready for study a new thing and I
have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work
with a team (team work) or by myself. Thank for very much for your kind
Wassalam wr wb.