Papa (AH Darul Firdaus)
(Jombang, 28 Agustus 1957 ~ Padang, 08 May 2024)
Papa (AH Darul Firdaus)
(Jombang, 28 Agustus 1957 ~ Padang, 08 May 2024)
The speakers :
1. Febrianti Almeera (Komunikasi Sehat dg Suami)
2. Dolphi Disya Arinda (M.Psi Psikolog) (Cinta dan Luka dalam Rumah Tangga)
3. Ustadzah Idzni Fitri, Lc (Hak dan Kewajiban Istri)
4. Ghaida Tsurayya (Menjadi Istripreneur)
5. Bidan Nur Alima Amelia,,Keb (Kehamilan Fitrah)
"Kata tidak siap hanya ada pada mereka yg tak belajar". "The word not ready only applies to those who don't study".~Bidan Nur Alima Amelia
"Belajar bukan untuk pintar namun menjadi bijak dalam berkehidupan adalah tujuan. "Studying is not to be smart, but to be wise in the life is the goal."~Bidan Nur Alima Amelia"
Here are some reasons why having a pious family can be considered a blessing:
Moral Guidance: A pious family often emphasizes strong moral values like honesty, compassion, and forgiveness. This can provide a strong foundation for children and guide them towards making positive choices in life.
Spiritual Growth: A pious family environment can encourage religious exploration and spiritual growth. Family members can learn and practice their faith together, fostering a sense of purpose and connection to something larger than themselves.
Support System: Shared faith and values can create a strong support system within the family. Family members can rely on each other for spiritual guidance, encouragement, and understanding.
Sense of Peace: Pious families often cultivate a sense of peace and tranquility. Religious practices and rituals can provide comfort and a sense of security in challenging times.
Positive Role Models: Parents and older siblings who live a pious life can serve as positive role models for younger generations, inspiring them to follow a similar path.
Community: Depending on the religion or faith, a pious family may be connected to a larger faith-based community. This can provide a sense of belonging and connection to others who share similar values.
It's important to remember that these are just some potential benefits, and experiences can vary depending on individual circumstances. However, having a family that shares your faith and values can be a source of great support, guidance, and positive influence in life.