: 60 years ago is real force and wanna full of indenpendent for Palesterian the
victims were catasthrophe
hapenned 60 years ago still shape life Palestrian territorials ,if they want piece
they are need to overcome the legassy in 1948.Gaza Hometown of 1,4 billion
Mouslem Palestirian people . But some of the thousand rocket always flinded to
Shimon Perez
: We will be society by new foms high technology .We develop to the best
cultrue and maybe else high technology.Palestine and Arab working in the land .Design
in ethnic between where is normal & reason friendly .Normal the
relationship with the machine land.Processor imigration the Palestine
In 1943 a jude rising in Nazis . They sword
jude with never been defence raise again
Noah :
There was no alive and I came to legal street .So then i decide to live survive
Hollocaust musseum).They also pressive they street during 1948
Mc :
What hapenned at Jude State.60 years ago ...celebratred for Palestine every six
years remind them to be called catashtrophe.Not for Israelian, it as
dispossession and exellent
During this indenpendence around seven hundred
thousand Palestirians became refugees.
Fakhri :
Palestirian left everything such as home,money,and etc even if like that they
tried to become calm down. They still have believed that the situation will be
came back normal again.
in Gaza street . They called it “The wall bigest prison”
Perez : Most of their land,the state of their home.They
refuse not us in 1947.We can’t apologize for their mistakes.
1997 Two years later ,Palestine alone being
Mc : After the meeting in 1997,Palestine they
proude nack.Some this design.Others persuade themself.Arab because they will
bring Europian expertise.
Refugees in Palestine was live in tradisional
life in their villages
(Palestine Refugee) : We had olive,water mellon,catelups.We unnecessary all
these things,So the corrruptions Ramla and Java .The people were happy and
Britin control Palestine 1917-1948.In November
1917,British fighting in Jerussaem street after that seeing Palestine
kingdom of the Ball food decoration
Mc :
The Ball food decoration said a view the establishment of Palestine.It was
incomposible promises.
design ...It was a big stepforward .It was impossible idea one day should promosing another .It was a big
deal and still continious until today.Small Jewish community came to Palestian
as imigrants.They want to escape prsesecussion.They were different because they
want to make new society.
Gouri : Their dream
to change Jewish nature to new national farmers and fighters.
Mc : in 1929
there was a series class at The Western
Ball .It is the hollies place in the world for Jewish pray.More than a hundred thousand Jewish arrived in Palestine in
1920 .Some make relation with Arab.Neighbour but Jewish wanted Arab land as
their settlemnet then tention road.The trouble here spread accross Palestine.Religious
Jewih was marked in Hargbug.Hundred died were both on side.After that no body
could have any allution.The two communitie were own acculusion calls.
In Europe
after 1923 Hittler turn the power of Jerman state
Bauminger : I came after a year under Hitler .In vietna ,which
was a baggier for me as a child.I asked my parents to go away as far as
Jewish Refugees regret the future.Palestirian
felt bad dissapearing
Huzem :
They were getting angry because they saw their country becoming really trighten
.The Jewish imigration was threatening to overwhelming them in their country.
at the indenpendent mosque of Kaihafa ,Palestiriane was already to fight
What the most popular prince here .Which is man called Dean Al-Qassam.He became
a religief.He was killed by British in June 1935.
The British crushed Arab so rudely.
Hazem :
When the real issue of our reality came ,that was no leadership has ever it
staminal Palestine depression.Palestine was no had leadership at the time.
Attacked on Jewish was increasing the
determination of fight.
Lapidot : I saw suddenly Jewish running out from Java to Tel Aviv.And I heard little own detecting
using in Java killing, murdering.About nine more than 50 anger.They became
I couldn’t understand because Jewish became
refugees in their home ownland.
bigest Jewish is Hagana.He brought on defects.From 1930 he was expended into
ground landing.
It was
directed into this building to Jerussalem.It’s the Jewish agency.It’s leader
and first pride minister was David Ban Gloria.The Hagana was one of the number
of building Jewish.
Mc : Just
look at the place .Designed and built in the twentie or thirty.For the time
wasn’t alter modern time and have a mission into Jewish state.He choose his
ambition.They had very very clear
objective and from this buliding David Ban Glorian designed and drove strategy
to getting them.
Palestiriane in Arab never had anything like the Jewish agency and never had a
leader like David Ban Glorian.
Perez :
He is the man no nothing profit ,honesty a story comlication conselerations.
In 1939
the British government gave a white paper to give it to Jewish imigrant .Ban Glorian fought Hittler.Both
British and Palestiane would he fouhgt too .After 1945 village was destroyed
and the villagers were killed by Holocaust.
And the
question what to do for the survivers.Transfrom these Jewish to Palestine.
Kliger : The Jewish people who survived made new state.We
want become indenpende state like The other states ,we need the
rights,governments.And member the counsel of the nations could protect the
Presurre which decided Holocaust created new morow argument or the Jewish
Harry Truman : As remind
for the Jewish that Amirican government will agree that Jewish make a new life.
Brillian he believe must choose .Civil warrior Palestine and Arab relations,
two future of pride minister both wanted man .Where is the leader , the special
keepnating and the booming, in July 1946 a gun caam to Yerussalame and killing 912 peoples.
Lapidot :They called terorist.Terorist is a different
definition for one they werw terorist for other they called freedom fighters
The British continiue “Largest imigrant Ship
seized”went to Europe.
being in the centered 1947 “Hagan ship exodus”
: How important imigration to the people ?
Noah :
Very important because many of Jewish wanted piece of the teroterrial .There would be solution in
the wanted as many as possible to produce Territori Palestine
Hazem :
Why sholud be the Palesterian who had no hurt of it pay the price of it.Why
this place in Palestirian people to pay a price for commited.
Mc : Here in London at the front of
office the Haganaf UN.The UN voted in November 1947 to producing Palestine
state into two state,one Jewish and one Arab.More than half country eventhough
their own and there were twices of many Arab.The Palestirian and Arab became
faded away .This war can’t be settlement by diplomacy.
Palestine the Jewish celebrated since 1937 David Glorian had believe.Casing a
state was the first priority .But he knew there would be gonna fighting.
In november 1929 we all dance in the street but
suddenly were killed on the roads.
Hazem :
We were shockd by the thing .
There had
been violent between the Jewish and Arab before the predition claim.But the
British were stacken in the middle.The Jewish underground army out to the
open.They had a big factories .
Asher Levy
( Israeli Soldier) : We were better organize because the Glorian was
very far sighted & look.
He knew that we are going to find eye conflict and
the Hagana it was the underground of Israel
We organizing such a to way that they would be come
in army.
The Man Palestrian leader was Hazza Minna Hussenly
moved to Yerussalam . During the second Global war he supporting with nazis.The
movity control is the biggest Palestrian & Malaisyan.He pointed his
cousen to leader Malaisya Abdul Qada
Hussenly as leader of army.
Hazem :
He was a hero and deserve to be hero,top level fighter,collega,brave and loyal.Top
level fighter and brave and loyal.
Mc :
Jerussalem as city holy place for Jewish,Christian and Mouslem.
Jerussalem became internasional control
.NeitherArab nor Jewish had bloody historty.The holy citi was a war.
Soldier: The Jewish and Jewish was a complicated there was
any food,there was any soldiers
And we must bring all the stuff from Tel Aviv to
1948 Arab control the holes of the road.The Hagana Protected all the stuff
which is brings from Tel Aviv to Yerussalem.
Horev : This is war without prison in the war.
In march 1948 the Jouist Bd Glorian and his jendral
adopted paln D
Mc :
Some historian say the plane D without a blue print .
priority in Jerussalem forces villagers out one by one. In the days of battle
when Al Hussein go to the Damaskus the Syirian Presidents refugee the help
1948,Abdul Qada Hussein
Moh Salah
: All the soldiers were killed the when they are
sleeping in the morning in a short term a life
Mc :
Palestrian lost their home in September 1947.They kill all the baby and the woman
become panic when the gun become Palestrian report all the event hapenned there
Khalil laham :
Abdullah and leader of Arab domestic send apology.78 people were killed so many
Palestrian fladed in Java( Tel Aviv)
Lapidot : The Jewish bombarding Java.This was the result of
the battle
Toledano : We led choose our teritorrials to live
collapsed and powered by Jewish
Interviever : This is
real bad
Etnic Clansing ?
Perez : I
dont’t mind of the History of ethic
He said no
: Orang-orang Arab disitu ditekan oleh pemetintah sana sehingga mereka pindah
Mc :
king Abdullah having secrets He also want to lead Libanon and Syiria Kingdom to
make superpower Arab
Youses Al Tal : Some of the Arab states wanted toprevent King
Abullah controlling more some from the Arab state some of this state were
forcing to gom to work otherwise
The Arab peolpel will calle them treasures
Religion : Because this teroterials and religius significant
we have but MOUSLEM AND Arab so live considered as our incentives and full out
to the defended
Asher :
The war or indenpendece was a critical
Hagana killed a dozen Palestirian countial in the mosque
Tannous : Some of them have lost thier home and find tis
palce as a refugee most of the familiy
They are very safe in this palce .The Bad Glorian
army when they getting inside the city after a view years fighting Palestine
Hagana killed people in the Mosque
Fayek Abu
Mane : The army took us to the mosque .The war go 60 or
70 soldiers outside and settlement payer there was a woman recidents next to
hear .There was a women recidnts next to her .And put them there only one
suhada properio
More than 50.000 Palestrian force
Soledana : We regret until today .Secret any more but good
the real afune from a big town like Ramla follow army
Yousef Al Tal : There was no balances between forces of Israel land
forces of Arab because in war you don’t
depend only on the number soldier or tanks you have also have political forces
to have unity among taht no exist among the Arab states
Gouri : I Have no Daubt taht Arab invitation many
villagers settle in town it’s difficult to say but this happen
still claim by both said and Palestrian refugees a with of future
(13 Januari 2010)
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