Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sweet Memory


My experience in the holiday for one month some years ago was so excited. It was for the first time I became a teacher at  one of the kindergarden In TK Aisyiah 24. Starting with open disscusing with my father this idea come suddenly. I have a conviction that live in this world just for a while so how I can use this a few time to make something advantages for others and me, one of the way is develop my self in becoming the true person with all my ability. I believe in my self if there is a will there will be a way to reach that, it’s depend on our effort to reach that seriously.
In the morning day, my father and I was talking each other, I said to him that I want to looking for a job during a holiday,, he said to me that “If you want do something knew it depend on your self how to obtain this and believe in your self that you able to reach it. On  Friday, directly I went to the kindergarden and asked to the headmaster there. I was interviewed by her why I want to work here? My answers were to add experience and develop my self. Before that I talked to her about my background which is still study at the University in semester 3, she listened me concernly. As a result she applied me as a teacher. The headmaster was as young as my mother’s age. With her I was welcomed and introduced to another teachers, I was thrilled because all of them apply me as a student and youngest teacher.
On Tuesday, It was  the first time  for me working as “kindergarden teacher”, my feeling was so mixing, I was happy because of new experience gathering with all the  cute children, I was full of spirit seeing them in funny faces, I was so confuse because of the method how to handle them,how to teaching them as kindergarden students. I need other teachers to help me if I have difficulies in facing them.
The head master asked me to join and help the B1 class which was handled by “Buk Dian”, she is the young  teacher  about 25 years old and still continiuing her S1 study at the “STIA University”. She has became a teacher there for 5 years. She must manage her time in two conditions, whether in the school or in the university. Although she was busy with all her activities she helped me in understanding the children how to teach them, because teaching children 5 or 4 years old wass not easy. We must have creative method to make them feel enjoy with the learning. Teaching them how to know their friends and how to do that, teaching them writing, reading, speaking in front of the class, singing and many others. It was need a patience too.
In TK Aisiyah 24, there are four classrooms, three classes for kindergardens and one for “Paud”. One class consits of 18 students and two teacher. Same with B1 class during I join this class as a second teacher  I made my self as a student too in micro teaching learning from seeing the first teacher teaching in front of the students. In this class there were 9 boys and 9 girls, I found many characters here, audio ,visual and kinestetic, the boys were kinestetic one because I seeing from their learning sometimes a half of them running from one class to another class while studying. There were also crying students, talkative one, silent one and many others it was so funny view for me.
Every morning when I entered “School Aula”the children who were playing , running at me with happy faces to shake my hand and say “Assalammualikum buk”..What a surprise.Calling me “Buk”was the strange case in my ears, and  I feel  rather old at the time, but now I feel proud of that ,, It gives me great pleasure & appreciate as a person because I never be done like this before and I think that become  a teacher  is a nice job.
For two weeks, I got microteaching from “Buk Dian” made me more rape In teaching them, sometimes If “Buk Dian”has important event at her University she asked for a permit and this was my oppurtunity to explore my ability in teaching them. But I still doubtfull if alone so I was helped by another teacher. What a surprise leading them to study was a nervous until I felt hot at the moment. I leaded them to sing a song, speak out well, reading & writing “hijahijah & Indonesia”words, english speaking and others. The difficulty here was bring “the life situation”to made them feel enjoy and didn’t feel bored when learning. It’s need more practise again.
One month in Tk Aisiyah was interesting experience for me and now I don’t become a teacher  there anymore, but all of the moments I will safe in my mind tidily because experience is the most value. And what I need again is meet with all my students. Hopefully, if  they grow teenager and adult they can become manage this country well as a leader future. I like them very much…

(dont' remember 2009/2010, whatever ^_^)